Wooden Arrows for the Bead Cabinet |
December 7, 2019 |
Annie @ Montessori Community School from Salt Lake City, UT United States
We have absolutely loved the wooden arrows for our bead cabinet. They are very high quality with beautiful colors (the thousand chain tickets are gold!) and clearly printed numerals. These blow the paper tickets we had before out of the water— as they often got lost and/or bent, so children had made replacements or we had written numerals on— these are so much more uniform and beautiful, fulfilling our student’s sense of order. They are definitely worth the expense, and I suspect they will last much longer than our last ones did. The only criticism we have is that the boxes they come in (also wonderful!) didn’t fit on the one and two shelves of our bead cabinet, so we simply used two clear boxes from our old tickets. Every early childhood classroom should have these!
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